It's 6:43 p.m. There is so much must see tv for me tonight, that it's all I've been thinking about. I know I need to get a life. But if you care, here's my lineup for this evening.
1. Amazing Race
2. The Apprentice
3. Desperate Housewives
4. And my guilty pleasure.....The season premiere of The Girls Next Door on E!
Thank goodness for Tivo!!!!
So to prepare for this major television event, I gave my youngest son some cough medicine and just put him to bed. (He does have a cough and went to bed late last night and was up early this a.m. and from his nap). I'm debating whether to give my older son some benedryl for the runny nose he had 5 days ago. Yes, I know....Mother of the Year. I'd like to thank the academy er...DHR....
It's now 6:47. I have 13 minutes to convince the 3 year old it's time for bed. Wish me luck!!