Thursday, July 19, 2007


I'm really a slacker with this blog thing. I love reading them, but posting my own has been a bit of a challenge. Back when I was about to quit work (retire), I thought I would post like all the time. But then life as a stay at home mom started happening and I just couldn't find the time. Now we are in the midst of a major home renovation, which is going to be just wonderful when it's finished. But in the meantime, we have been pretty much living with my parents. Which has been a challenge in and of itself. I really like my parents, but you know what they say about you can never go home again? Well, we are about to end week number 4 and I have to say that I'm starting to twitch a little. My mom is very high maintenance, but likes people to think that she is easygoing. I'm more easygoing, so you can see where some problems may arise. For example, I don't like being a mooch. So, I threw in a load of her laundry last week. She came home and saw it folded and ready to put away and was like, 'oh, you did the laundry.." I said yeah, I just wanted to help you out. She said, "I usually only do laundry on Sundays and Wednesdays." Silly me, it was a Tuesday. She tried to shake it off like it was no big deal, but I could tell she was about to start twitching herself. Did I mention I'm also dealing with 2 boys who are going to need some serious detox once we move back into our house?

So hopefully, the house will be done in the next week or so. But, then our builder just gave us a bid on the master bathroom and my husband gave him the go-ahead to start on it asap while he's still there. So, we won't be getting totally back to normal for a few more weeks. Here's some pictures of what my kitchen looked like last week. I haven't taken any this week, but the new cabinets have been put in, so it's looking a little better.

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