When I was little, my cousin and I used to play forever on those sit n' spins. You sit down and turn the steering wheel thingy and spin around and around. I feel like I have been spinning like that for about 5 days now. Saturday we had my youngest son's first birthday party....which he thoroughly enjoyed. Sunday we went to look at a house that was about to be on the market. We've been passively looking for a while now, as we need more room. We bought our house when I was pregnant with my oldest

So we've essentially run out of room. Back to the reason I'm spinning. Since Sunday, we've put a contract on it and are about to list ours. It's very exciting, but the thought of leaving our house, EVERYDAY, presentable to "show" is stressing me out. Then add to that the thought of packing EVERYTHING and moving with 2 kids 3 and under is why I've had a headache during the waking hours for the past 5 days.
Enough about me. I just started the Beth Moore Bible study on "Daniel", so I'm trying to not focus so much on me. As if this is my world and the rest of you just live in it. Anyway, I highly recommend this study. We're only on the 2nd week, but it's very powerful....a great ride.....much smoother than the sit n' spin.