Monday, August 28, 2006

Count your blessings

Our church has a ministry to help special children. The goal of the ministry is to assign a buddy to children who (b/c of developmental delays and or behavioral problems) need someone to attend Sunday School with them. It is a huge help to the parents who otherwise wouldn't be able to attend church or Sunday School. My first day was yesterday. I wasn't really sure what to expect. I am assigned to a 4 year old little boy. He doesn't speak, but babbles. He acts out very aggressivley when he feels threatened/scared, etc. So the goal is to keep him busy for an hour and 15 minutes. Yesterday he was having an especially rough day, so most of my time was spent holding him pretty tight in my lap and singing songs softly to him. The other girls and boys in the room are busy playing, coloring, and just being kids. Situations such as these baffle me. What is going on in this little boy's head? Is he aware of the other children around him playing? What frustrates him? What calms him? What makes him tick? Then I begin to think about his mother and the daily challenges she faces. I think about how her days must feel like years sometimes. I wonder if she asks God, "Why me? I'm not cut out for this!" Then I think about my children and how a rough day for them is usually the result of staying up past nap time/too late or a toddler on the verge of "Big Boyhood".

I hate to admit it, but I started my hour and 15 minutes yesterday watching the clock. However, by the end I found myself praying for this little boy's give her strength, patience, and encouragement. God works in mysterious ways and he clearly hand picked this woman to be this little boy's mom. I am asking God to use this little boy that I'll spend 1 hour and 15 minutes with once a month to remind me to count my blessings. So that on days when I think I want to wave the white flag, I'll get back on track and get back in the game.

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