Tuesday, August 08, 2006

The Perfect Storm

Yesterday started out to be a normal day. At 3, I got a call from my daycare that my almost 1 year old (Frank) was fussy and running a temp of 100. It's a bittersweet moment....I'm thrilled that I get to leave work early, but hate that my baby is sick. Then there's the guessing game "do I take him to the doctor? or wait to see if this will run it's course?". I decided to wait and see how the night went. Given the time (3:30) I went ahead and picked up my 3 year old too. It was looking to be a nice evening. Little Frank got some tylenol and went straight to sleep when we got home. So, Jack ate an early dinner and we headed outside to hit golf balls in the front yard. Fast forward to about 1:00 this morning and I'm awakened by a fevery, fretful cry. As I'm shushing my pitiful, sick, baby, I get reinitiated into this sorrority called motherhood. My baby proceeds to vomit all over me, the floor (TGF hardwoods), and himself. There's nothing like the smell of stale, warm milk running down your chest. So, at 1:00 this morning, I'm bathing my baby, cleaning up throwup, administering more tylenol, suctioning a nose, and rubbing on vapor rub. As I crawl back in bed close to 2a.m., my husband starts snoring like a foghorn.

We were all feeling bright eyed and bushytailed this morning around 8. I got a shower and was getting us ready to go down to Children's Hospital for a carseat check and to turn the baby's carseat forward facing in preparation for our trip to the beach next week. Everyone is strapped in and ready to go....but the car wouldn't start. Upon further review, it appears to be something electrical wrong. This translates to expensive to fix, several days without a car, carpooling to school and work with the hubby, etc. All this, plus Aunt Flo is due for her monthly visit any minute and I haven't had any caffiene (was planning to stop at BP for a Diet Mt. Dew).

I'm not sure what else this day will bring, but I'm trying to bend and not break when these storms of life start blowing in. It could be worse, if I'm going to be stuck somewhere without a car, I'm glad it's at my house.
Toodles for now....

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